Influence of organizational climate on teacher performance in nurses at a public university in Lima


  • Luisa H. Rivas Díaz Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – UNMSM


Nurse, nursing student, organizational climate, teaching performance


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the influence of the organizational climate on the performance of the Nursing teacher in National University of San Marcos. MATERIALS AND METHODS: T Descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The sample was 45 teachers and 58 nursing students of the fifth year of studies. Likert scales instrument. RESULTS: Of a total of 45 teachers surveyed, 63% of teachers report an unhealthy or average organizational climate, and 54.9% of teachers, according to students, have an average level of performance. CONCLUSIONS:The organizational climate significantly influences the performance of the nursing teacher. Most teachers have an unhealthy organizational climate and an average level of teaching performance.

Author Biography

Luisa H. Rivas Díaz, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – UNMSM

Licenciada en Enfermería. Magíster


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How to Cite

Rivas Díaz, L. H. (2017). Influence of organizational climate on teacher performance in nurses at a public university in Lima. Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, 1(1), 36–38. Retrieved from



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