Cultural adaptation and validation of the CONIIT questionnaire in the Bolivian context

Cultural adaptation and validation of the CONIIT questionnaire in the Bolivian context


  • Jannette Marga Loza-Sosa Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Angelica Ucharico-Apaza Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Shirley Claudia Siles-Quintanilla Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia


Introduction: In Bolivia, no validation studies of instruments to measure spirituality in cancer patients were found, it is important to generate a measurement instrument that makes it possible to humanize care, improve quality and make a more effective health system. Objective: To validate, according to the expressions of the Bolivian cultural context, the orientation questionnaire on intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal needs (CONIIT) aimed at identifying spiritual needs in cancer patients. Materials and methods: The study was quantitative; an instrument validation study design was applied. The groups of experts that participated were 16 nursing professionals for cultural adaptation and 30 expert professionals in the area for content validation. The CONIIT instrument was applied to a pilot sample of 20 cancer patients from the oncology service. The reliability of the instrument was determined by the internal consistency method: Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. Results: The experts did not suggest modifications to the instrument and argued that the items should be kept unchanged for Bolivian Spanish. A 100% of the patients expressed that they understood 19 (70.3%) of the 27 items. The internal consistency through the global Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the scale was 0.823. Conclusions: The results obtained show adequate validity indices. The pilot study provided linguistic validity, expert judgment, content validity, and internal consistency through a global Cronbach's Alpha, allowing an adequate reliability index to be obtained. Keywords: Validation study; Peer review; Reproducibility of Results; Spirituality; Palliative Care (Source: MeSH, NLM).

Author Biographies

Jannette Marga Loza-Sosa, Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Cochabamba-Bolivia.   Licenciada en Enfermería Magister Scientiarum en Educación Superior y Docencia Universitaria Especialidad en Enfermería en Urgencias y Emergencias (B) Doctorante en Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad Autónoma del Beni “José Ballivián “Bolivia.

Angelica Ucharico-Apaza, Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia

Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Cochabamba-Bolivia.  Licenciada en Enfermería Maestría en Enfermería Medico Quirúrgica

Shirley Claudia Siles-Quintanilla , Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Cochabamba, Bolivia

Universidad Adventista de Bolivia. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Cochabamba-Bolivia. Instituto Oncológico Nacional de Cochabamba de la CPS. Cochabamba – Bolivia. Licenciada en Enfermería Magister Scientiarum en Educación Superior y Docencia Universitaria



How to Cite

Loza-Sosa, J. M., Ucharico-Apaza, A. ., & Siles-Quintanilla , S. C. . (2023). Cultural adaptation and validation of the CONIIT questionnaire in the Bolivian context : Cultural adaptation and validation of the CONIIT questionnaire in the Bolivian context . Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, 7(1). Retrieved from



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